As one of main business, Popwil has doing laboratory planning, constructing and upgrading for more than 15 years. Many famous domestic and foreign universities and research institutes such as Hong Kong Polytechnic University, National University of Singapore, Zhejiang University, China Academy of Building, China Communications Construction Company Limited are among the customers. Relying on rich experience, advanced technology and high-quality service, Popwil has gained good reputation in the industry.
The following picture is the planning drawing of the structure safety laboratory of Shanghai Institute of Technology. After 5 years hard work, the laboratory construction had completed basically follow the plan, and begin to play a key role in research and teaching experiments.

The construction plan of structure safety laboratory of Shanghai Institute of Technology
The significance of planning is that it can be implemented step by step in accordance with the financial support. The construction process of the lab described above lasted for 5 years. The final completed lab is exactly the same with the planning, and the orderly allocation of resources and the rational use of funds are truly achieved.
The next picture is the overall plan of the structure engineering laboratory of Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Branch designed by Popwil.